Data collection on pig, poultry, cattle feeding, housing, storage and application animal manure
The interviewing technique was developed with a number of specially arranged questionnaire sheets, which include the information on the expert and information sources; general performance indicators of farms; general production facilities of farms; list of main indices of technologies for the categories of animals specified in Terms of Reference of this project.
For questioning there were selected those farms, the category of which is defined by the Russian legislation for the transition to BAT:
- Facilities for poultry breeding with the design capacity of 40000 bird places and more.
- Facilities for pig fattening with the design capacity of 2000 animal places and more; facilities for sows with the design capacity of 750 animal places and more.
- Facilities with the design manure output of 50 t/day and more on cattle farms
The following farms were selected and interviewed:
- in terms of animal housing technologies – 3 pig farms, 3 poultry farms and 10 dairy farms;
- in terms of manure storage and application systems – 18 farms in Leningrad and Kaliningrad Regions.